Entrepreneurship Bootcamp
Do you have a business idea that you want to validate? Have you been thrust into entrepreneurship due to COVID? BIANYS has a program for you: entrepreneurs, innovators, and main street businesses looking to start doing business in New York.
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BIANYS will connect you to content and mentorship that will help you navigate through the challenges of establishing and succeeding in doing business in New York and United States.
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BIANYS provides all the resources, networking and advocacy needed to help you lead entrepreneurs and startups into their next phase of growth.
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BIANYS sponsors gain exclusive, early access to innovators looking to create jobs and build businesses in the New York ecosystem.
Welcoming all entrepreneurs, innovators, or main street businesses, to create a business model canvas (a present day business plan) with the advice and guidance of the top business incubator professionals in New York. By the end of the course the entrepreneur will be able to determine if their idea is ready to launch, will be given advice on the next steps, and determine if and which incubators within the BIANYS network are a good fit for them to continue receiving mentorship from. If incubation is not a fit, we will help them determine the next best step within the economic development ecosystem.
The entire program is based on the Steve Blank lean startup methodology of flushing out your business concept. Participants will watch online videos explaining each section of the Business Model Canvass (BMC) and then they will be asked to create a draft of that section of their own BMC. They will present their draft in the live online classes and then receive group and !:! mentorship in response to their presentation in each class and also individualized mentorship in between the weekly classes.
Applications due: October 15, 2024
Program Begins: December 6, 2024
COST: Free for startups referred by BIANYS member incubators/ $500 for startups without BIANYS member referral-some scholarships available
Lecture 1: What We Now Know
Lecture 1.5A: Business Models and Customer Development
Lecture 1.5B: Business Models and Customer Development
Lecture 2: Value Proposition
Lecture 3: Customer Segments
Lecture 4: Channels
Lecture 5: Customer Relationships
Lecture 6: Revenue Model
Lecture 7: Partners
Lecture 8: Resources, Activities & Costs